Meet the Team!
Aaron Weight (Director/Producer)
Aaron is the founder of Insert Laughter Here, and the host of all performances.
He grew up watching shows like Whose Line is it Anyway? and Mock The Week, and was inspired to start his own group in early 2019, the rest is history … or rather, it isn’t, because Insert Laughter Here continues to go from strength to strength!
His favourite moments on stage include: dropping from what he thought was a fairly mild height onto his rear end cracking his spine in the process; rolling around as a secret agent; and shutting an invisible gate to protect his invisible garden from some invisible raccoons.
He is also one of only two members who have performed in every single show so far.
Abigail Laker
Abigail is one of the founding members of the team.
She is a singer-songwriter now based in Manchester.
Her favourite moments on stage include: exploring an alien planet where all lifeforms have neon hair; attending a wedding in a very bold outfit choice; and the infamous “doughnut” gag at the end of our first show. If you know, you know, if you don’t, consider yourself lucky.